Saturday, September 7, 2013

A short Reminder...

Don’t jeopardize your 
dignity and self-respect 
by trying to make someone 
accept, love and appreciate 
when they have proven that 
of doing so.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Douche: The new purple.

Here's the current trend report:
Jersey jackets, atkins diets, and A-holes.
What's the deals, peeps?
Everybody seems to be enthralled by the douchy guy/girl, well aware of their douchiness, let allow him/her to play a vital role in their lives. Why?
Because it gives us some kind of gain.
There are different scenarios for this though, from the perspective of a guy or a girl.

Here's Scenario 1: Guy is Douche.
Girl likes guy.
Guy likes vagina.
Girl is genuinely in like-love with guy.
Guy is genuinely horny, mighty douchy.
Girl lets him hit 1st base. And 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
Guy gets what he wants.
Girl calls guy.
Guy does not answer.
Girl waits for guy.
Guy goes for other girls.
Girl wonders what she did wrong.
Guy parties on.
Girl sees guy with other girl. Cries. Gets pissed.
Still keeps guy around.

Why does girl keep guy around?
Girls are programmed to nurture people. We are the baby's bosom and no matter what the scenario is, we have this computer chip of provender and care in us. This is not to say that all girls are like Poor Girl up there. We have different genes, different upbringing, different scenarios, yet quite comparable to a male figure, girls will find more compassion in situations, which brings more questions, more emotion, more logic into play on relationships and life in general.

Girl obviously likes guy. Guy is fooling around, being a guy, bless him, but does not know the actions and effects he is putting on poor girl. She keeps him around because when guy plays hard to get (in which case he might literally be), she goes after him with primal notion. She knows what she wants. And she's going to get it. At least that's what the girl's mind is thinking. For girls, when we see guys, we primitively want them to nurture US, to be the caretakers for us, to protect us from bad, to keep us warm, to be the strong male role model we see ourselves deserving, and ultimately, giving us the right to be a woman. When the man is doing the opposite, and disobeying the law of human nature, he becomes questionable. 

Now how can we fix this?
Is that Girl's first question?
Cause knowing that Girl is genuinely looking for love, looking for commitment, and a wholesome man, she should obviously put this tainted project down and begin a new one. She should. But she doesn't. She's a nurturer and she'll go looking for a way to fix this broken record. What she will go through may be long term or short, emotionally draining or light, and life changing or viciously cycling.

As a woman, I see how we have the passion to fix a man up. To change him from his gritty ways and turn him into a prince. We all want to be the one to change him. If it wasn't you that did, it was the last girl to make him better for you. And if it wasn't her, it might be the next. Whatever the case, it's a beneficial feeling, helping someone out, knowing that they are better off with you. At the same time, you may not be the right one to change them. 

"The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he's a baby." - Natalie Wood

Do not get discouraged, our care is genuine and compassionate. But it is literally impossible to change someone if they refuse to be changed. Think about it in their shoes. For Guy, he is a party boy. He is blowing girls off, acting a douche, and not to say that this type of behavior is literally correct, but he could be going through a stage. Just like we all do in life. A good part about the douche factor is that many people quickly ease in and out of it. Some people don't even have it for long. A night, a week, a spring break, we all vary. And girls do it too. Oh girl, we do it too.

Scenario 2: Girl is a ho.
Guy likes girl.
Girl likes guy(s).
Guy wants girl to commit herself.
Girl wants to party.
Guy is head over heels for girl.
Girl is aware, yet gives no compassion.
Guy is pitifully let down, yet still believes things will work.

Why does guy let himself be led on like this?
It's much more pathetic looking at a led-on situation from a guy's perspective. Mainly being, because guys are usually the ones to do it (experience reference). But, these situations do occur and when they do, guys, hold your mutha****** hats. 

Girls are crazy. We know this. You know this. And even the stable girls know this, cause we all have the lunatic pillow-punching bitch deep down inside us. It's not our fault, we come prepackaged with a whole lot of estrogen and when you have that much emotion, boy, it's a whole career trying to balance them out. 

In scenario 2, Guy is infatuated with Girl. It may be her stance, it may be her quirkiness, it may be her professionalism. Whatever the cause, he is sprung and when a dedicated man knows what he wants, he'll get it. Or so he thinks. In a man's world, I believe they like hard-to-get girls because it gives them an honest to goodness challenge. It keeps them busy. It fires their grill and sharpens their steel. A woman, to most men, is one of the most mystical and confusing creatures of all. Which is why they like cars so much. Call a car Baby and she'll never talk back. Anyway, the challenge is there and there he will go.

Is this why guys don't like the easy girls?
The easy girls are usually the ones to put out first. Maybe they know they're easy, maybe they don't. Maybe they're doing it on purpose, maybe it's genuine. Most guys will still hit that and be done. There was no challenge. He don't wanna stay around for any b.s. He had a deed, like you both were well aware of, and both of you got it done. Case closed, hasta luego. Does that make girls sad? Do birds fly?

One of the hardest things for girls, and guys alike, is the point of after-hook ups. There is a hint of 'now what' in the air. For girls, it's a clear case of 1. 'Ugh I never want to see him again' (Douchebags, this is your gold), or 2. 'I like him, he better change his Facebook status NOW'. If you're in between, honey, you're bound to flip one switch soon. For guys, well 1. 'That was great. Bye.' or 2. 'That was great. Round 2?'. Why do we have to be so different?

I could keep going on and on about this situation. It is the problem of centuries. However, there is a simple basic answer to it:
Do what you enjoy.
Be happy.
If he/she ain't giving you the love, drop them.
There's no need to be mean in the process; let them know how you feel and if their answer is different than yours and the door is looking shut, walk yourself out. We, as human beings, should be thriving, beautiful, lively, LIVING. Not tied down in bullshit shenanigans that we see happen over and over again in movies and tv and to our best friends.

Do not ever, ever, ever change yourself for someone else. 
You are much too f****** important for that. You can change your clothes, do your hair, put on some shoes, but keep what's inside REAL.

The time is now.
If you're in a douchy relationship and you are reading this, take it from me, it's not getting any better. 
You will. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Breaking the Bars: Sex with the X

This is a common case, no?
Depending upon time/whereabouts/the past/emotions/etc, the act of X-sex is actually a good thing. 

There are Pros:
1. It is consensual.
2. You know exactly what/where/how he/she likes it and vise-versa.
3. It's comfortable and you can relax (there's no awkward situations, you've been through this, remember?)

Sex with the ex can be extraordinary. But with all the pros come a few cons as well. After all, there is a reason they're called the ex, right? Mm-hmmmmmm.

1. It is uncomfortably awkward (but you didn't intend for it to be).
2. One person still has feelings for the other (oh shnap).
3. It brings up bad memories.

Poor Peter.

The list could go on...It's great because you guys haven't seen each other in a long time and you can play catch up while playing dress down; it's bad because he whipped it out and you were reminded of the time you guys were drunk in the shower and he slipped out of the tub, etc... 

Whether the sex is good or not, the agreement should be in place. Don't go thinking you can get drunk and push your feelings aside either, that may hurt you. Mutually agree that this is something you both can hop on, pun intended, and enjoy the ride, to intend the pun. Just like friends with benefits, the rules are the same. Always remember that there are TWO people in this game, and along with people come emotions, feelings, maybe even a little bit of resentment. Don't go bringing up the past once you guys have hooked up. Like "Remember that time you stood me up mutha f*&#@?!". A little bit of hastiness can turn sex into a power trip (sex is directly linked to human bonding), so don't go messing around with people through that. Big no-no. A playful flirtation is probably the healthiest flow a past relationship can have in order to grow from the ending you both had. And from here, there are many doors that could open.

Sure, you guys might actually end up re-igniting the fire, which I *golf clap* you on. But another scenario that might end up happening is that they become your bootycall. Now I'm on the fence about this one. Like the notion above, there's a reason they're your ex. In which case, you must look over the scenarios from you and only your perspective. There could be a million reasons why you guys broke up. Maybe it was because he cheated on you. Maybe you cheated on him. Maybe his voice irritated you. Maybe you were too clingy. Whatever the case, I do advise you above anything else, to make sure that you are emotionally aware of the situation and the underlying predicaments that may pop up. 

Y'know how they say to 'live everyday like its your last'? Do that, but make like just in case it's not your last, you didn't just juggle up your emotions (esp for the girls, haaay).

Happy sEXing.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

I just watched this the whole way through for the very first time. It was great. Besides all the sex and action, I got the emotional-period-response:

Never make work your priority.

You forget what you truly love.

When our egos get the best of us, it's easy to lose track of our feelings.

And our relationships.

Take time out of your day to show the ones you love that they are loved.

And play on the same team.

Sorry Jennifer :-(

Pupils Dilate at Attraction.

Eyes are the window to the soul...or SOul they say.
So what if you could see into someone's 'soul'?

When we meet people, we seem to make instant judgements about them. Their hair, their shoes, the way they speak. Our emotional assessment is what is commonly known as Chemistry. Chemistry can be incredibly powerful between two people. It can erupt from nowhere, upon first laying eyes on someone. But did we ever think about reading their eyes?

It is as simple as this: When we see something or someone we like, our pupils will dilate. As a human being, we are attracted to this wide-eyed look. It makes the other person seem more intimate, attractive, and more into You. In response, our eyes will dilate, creating a cycle of enticement.

Pupillometrics is the study of pupil size as an indicator to emotion, first used in 1975 by Eckhard Hess, a University of Chicago biopsychologist. Hess was going through 'strikingly beautiful' animal photos one night, while his wife commented on how dilated their pupils were. The next day he went to the lab with his assistant, holding up random pictures of scenery and a pin-up girl. His eyes dilated at the pin-up girl. The two embarked on the study of this research after that.

In another study by Hess, groups of men were shown two sets of pictures of women. In one set, the pupils of the women were enlarged. In the other set, the pupils were reduced. Results showed the men preferred the women in the pictures with the enlarged pupils, even though they couldn't explain why. While the test was performed on a group of women, the results were the same.

Creating the mood: One cannot control pupil dilation, but when in a romantic setting, can definitely be set for love. A reduction of light causes pupils to dilate. This is why when people think of romantic restaurants, they usually think of ones with soft lighting and candles.

And while it is likely that pupil dilation is a sign of attraction, it is not true 100% of the time; Pupils may also dilate when lighting is darker (i.e. bars and clubs) or when the other person is on prescriptions/drugs/alcohol/just staring at some really delicious looking food (really).

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