"When you go somewhere out of your own comfort zone, out of your own realm, that's learning."
I watched this documentary last night before I went to bed. It made me cry from half an hour in to end. There are some perspectives that can trigger every single person, especially when they involve homelessness, children, disabilities, and 'the journey'.
This film follows two young brothers and their friends travelling across the globe in search of the human experience. Through feeling powerless and humility to rising above the feeling of life, they encounter a mass array of emotions and eye-opening experiences. Human experiences. Interviews with a doctor, a rabbi, a reverend, spiritual, artistic, medical, and philosophic experts are showcased throughout the film, alongside the beautiful cinematography and montages.
Family is a big component of this movie. Struggles and trials will be handed to you throughout your lifetime, your beautiful lifetime, and it is part of this hardship that we get from beginning to end, a full plate of life experiences and knowledge. With the people, family or extended family around in your life, love is there. If the world is all about people, we must work towards helping one another, as we are all brothers and sisters. This is an easy perspective to forget in the modern world.
Things I thought about throughout watching:
Life is for other people.
We work hard to live because we know that we are valuable, to someone out there.
We work hard to live because we know that we are valuable, to someone out there.
Objects are unnecessary.
A person committing suicide will regret it at last moment's breath.
Life is significantly precious.
Homeless people are equivalent to spiritual leaders.
A child's emotion is the most powerful in the world.
Drama is interesting to us because it is life's lessons, in anyone's point of view.
Drama is interesting to us because it is life's lessons, in anyone's point of view.
Inside is more beautiful than the out.
Warped mind-settings are scattered all around us, choose wisely.
Travel > nice car, clothes, material objects.
We will feel the need to live, no matter what the circumstances, that's how valuable the breath of life is.
Passion is the gas to our soul-cars.
With a wholesome family bond comes strength for human experiences, without them, we are set back a couple of steps, but who's to say that doesn't make the experience more worthwhile?
Watch this movie if you get the chance. Maybe it won't change your life, but it will bring some human back into your life.
"Life is other people. It's just that simple. And if you view each of the others that you meet as being a component of yourself, it can change things."
(Happy Labor Day.)
(Happy Labor Day.)
I just watched this doc! one of the BEST documentaries made EVER. the inspiration from this film should plant the seeds of renewed compassion in peoples hearts as it did in mine. the most stimulating aspect of this doc was that these guys were so willing to put themselves into other peoples shoes. Even though it was cold on the New York streets and even though they had to witness the pain and fear of the abused children and mutilated lepers they never gave up, they never wanted to go home back to their lives; they wanted people to see that even though these people didn't have nearly as much as we do now, they were the happiest in their hearts. What an amazing soul-seeking journey!!